Monthly Archives: February 2011

Seeds of Transformation


News Flash – The second module of the Abundant Life Garden Project, Seeds, is now online and ready for download and use by parishes for Lenten programs, Sunday School, VBS planning, and even by individuals.  (I’ve personally tested the program in my living room with my own kids, putting my teens in charge of reading the litany and Story from the Field.) 

To download and use, go to .

The Seeds module is perhaps my favorite of the 5 modules.  The subject matter is very tangible and hands on; seeds can be viewed on both very practical and very spiritual levels.  Leaders are asked to round up numerous kinds of seeds they have handy or readily available from the grocery store or garden.  During the group portion of the module, these seeds are handed out to children, and they are asked, “what could you do with these?” 

As we head towards Lent and many of us begin new spiritual disciplines, read meditative devotionals, or attend special Christian formation classes or talks, we might think of these efforts as our own seeds of spiritual growth.  We might also ask ourselves, “what will we do with them?”  As personally fulfilling as these efforts might be and as much as we all might need the weeks of Lent to refresh and recharge, an important facet of the Christian life is to DO something with our spirituality. 

Like seeds, our spirituality is meant to be planted in good soil, watered, and weeded from time to time.  It is meant to grow fruit, be harvested, and used to feed not only ourselves but others.  We don’t just admire it and leave it in a bag, unused and unplanted.  The point is growth; the point is, ultimately, harvest. 

 Blessings for growth to feed others this coming Lenten season,
