Monthly Archives: March 2011

Seasonal Transitions – What I Should Have Done


Springtime weather here in KnoxVegas is notoriously unpredicatable.  I had to face that factoid  yesterday as I wore my pretty new floral dress in mid-40’s degree weather.  I wore the dress, but I also wore my black cardigan sweater from the last cycle, along with black tights and shoes.  

In this cycle of sixitems, I’m thinking about what I could do to live on far fewer clothes on a permanent basis.  Part of this challenge, then, is to figure out what items I need over the long haul – and these wild swings in weather is part of something I’ll need to deal with.

What I should have done, I think, is change out my pieces one by one, instead of trying to swap a late winter wardrobe for a warm weather spring wardrobe all at once.  For instance, I should have just stuck with my sixitems from last time, swapping my long black knit dress for the black floral dress.  That way, I would still have my jeans and skirt or dress to wear with black tights for these cooler days and then could also have one spring dress for the few 70 degree days we do have. 

 For now, I’m sticking with my spring-only sixitems, dipping into the cardigans or resorting to the old six when I absolutely have to.  I’m thinking of Koritsa, our Moscow friend from last cycle, who was shivering in her sixitems and prompted several of us to tell her, “don’t freeze; wear what you need!” 

Happy Sixing, Cindyc